Pau Vilanova Disseny is headed by Pau Vilanova, who inherited the facet of designer of his father, Jordi VIlanova, pioneer in introducing the Nordic style and children’s furniture in Catalonia; and creator of a Mediterranean line with European nuances that remains a trend today.
In 2008 he decided to create his own design firm, a nationally renowned company that attaches great importance to its Mediterranean roots with collaborators such as Sergio Vallecillo and David Peñaranda, who are in charge of the management and organization of works. He has a long professional career that allows him to carry out projects in different fields and areas: from product design to private and public environments, creating spaces where to achieve well-being by the harmony they generate.
Thank you for sponsoring Mallorca Design Day, we are very happy to have a pioneering and professional team like you, the first national studio to join our festival!